After conducting two successful Hifzul Quran classes, Taleem ul Quran and Waqf-e-Ardhi (TaQWA) is very pleased to announce that Alhamdulillah, Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V (aba) has graced us with the permission to conduct our 3rd Hifzul Quran class this year!
As an old saying goes, “Learning while young is like engraving on a stone.” What is memorized in younger years tends to stay a lifetime.
Under the mentorship of Hafiz Fazle Rabbi from Jamia Ahmadiyya, UK, children will embark on a memorable spiritual journey of memorizing the divine book with proper recitation over a course of three weeks so that they can utilize their maximum potential in their full spirits insha’Allah.
The students will be provided with:
If your child is between the ages of 12 and 18, please avail this rare opportunity by filling out the registration form.